Proper O&M is necessary to ensure long-term system performance and return on investment.

Ongoing support, preventative maintenance, and, when necessary, reactive maintenance are critical for ensuring system reliability and return on investment. SEIPS provides services ranging from on-site management and testing, to remote analysis, to training of company personnel.

Proper O&M usually involves system performance calculations on a regular schedule to verify correct system operation and/or determine if there are any safety issues.  O&M requires ongoing support with a specific set of tasks appropriate for the scale of the system and required by the equipment manufacturers should there be a warranty claim.

Remote support and data analysis

Development of operation manuals and maintenance checklists

Optional training workshop for maintenance personnel (on-site or at SEI training facility)

Perform or arrange for required maintenance in order to meet product warranty requirements

Warranty claim assistance and expert witness testimony

In-person testing and inspection scheduled at intervals after system commissioning

O&M Manual

PV systems are commonly modular, offering the ability to take part of a system offline while keeping the rest of the system operational. But the process of doing so should be clear to those who operate the facility. SEIPS can create a system operation and maintenance manual for your on-site staff. The manual will outline required maintenance procedures, commissioning and decommissioning processes during routine maintenance and in case of component failure.


SEIPS can train your staff to use the system O&M manual and perform their regular duties with the confidence that if an issue arises they will know what to do. Protection of your asset is essential and having a well-trained maintenance staff operating and maintaining it is crucial to your system’s long-term performance and energy production.

SEIPS & Your Team

The SEIPS team will perform O&M duties independently or gladly work alongside your staff to assess and ensure their capabilities.